Why should I use DentalJobs.net to fill my open position?
DentalJobs.net has been in business for over twenty years and currently has a database of over 85,000 dental professionals. We have been featured in numerous publications including ADHA’s Access Magazine, Dental Economics, RDH Magazine, as well as regional newspapers. We are veteran exhibitors at dental conventions across the United States. In addition to our email communication, we send direct mail advertisements to staff and offices. Furthermore, with over 90% of Americans now having access to the Internet, and the word ‘job’ remaining in daily top 50 keyword lists, the probability of connecting with a qualified dental professional for your practice is greater than ever. DentalJobs.net is the largest dental professional site of its kind, with more resumes and employment opportunities being listed daily.
Why should I use DentalJobs.net to find a job?
DentalJobs.net has been in business for over twenty years and currently has a database of over 85,000 dental professionals. Our listings are easy and convenient to access, and we ensure that your data remains private and secure. And, because DentalJobs.net is geared exclusively to dental professionals, you never have to wade through hundreds of unrelated jobs before you find the one that’s right for you.
Does it cost anything to use DentalJobs.net?
Job searching is totally free; this includes registration, viewing job ads, and posting a resume. Employers who wish to list their employment opportunities at DentalJobs.net can do so at a cost of $145.00 per ad per month. In addition, employers can purchase a corporate account which allows for a full year of unlimited listings for $1,495.
How do I post my job listing, so staff can contact me?
Under the Employers field, click on the Search Resumes and Post Jobs tab. All fields are required to be completed. Once you have completed the form, simply choose your desired payment option, and click “Submit”. Your information will then be uploaded. Please note: Because you will be required to confirm and activate your account via email, please be sure to provide a genuine and functional email address. Also, please add customerservice@dentaljobs.net to your address book of allowed senders, so notifications from DentalJobs.net won’t go into your spam/bulk mail folder. We will also use this email address to notify you when your job listing has been added to the site.
Can I pay with my Credit Card?
Yes. DentalJobs.net accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and bank draft payments via PayPal.
What do I do if I’m looking for work?
Under the Job Seekers field, click on the Find Jobs and Post Your Resume tab. You will then be taken to a form. All fields are required to be completed. Click “Submit.” Please note: Because you will be required to confirm and activate your account via email, please be sure to provide a genuine and functional email address. Also, please add customerservice@dentaljobs.net to your address book of allowed senders, so notifications from DentalJobs.net won’t go into your spam/bulk mail folder. We will also use this email address to notify you when your resume listing has been added to the site.
What happens with the data that I provide to you regarding my office or me?
Your data is used only to submit your job posting or resume. We do not sell nor use your information for any other purpose, except when we notify you of jobs, continuing education courses in your area and legislative changes affecting your profession. Our Privacy Policy contains more information about how your data is used.